Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tely 10

A running goal of mine for the last few years.  A goal that was number one on my 2013 list; but unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control this year, not one that will get completed.
It will remain on there for 2014.
That aside; I did stand on the sidelines and snap photos and take part in the cheer squad.  Here's a peek at the fabulous people I got to capture as they made their way along the 10 mile route towards the finish line and a great sense of accomplishment . .


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Signal Hill - Cabot Tower

Another stop on my Summer of discovering our beautiful little city.  
This was always a favorite of mine as a child; a place I would go with my Dad with our binoculars.  
For a child it was fascinating being so high up looking at things so closely; both in the day and at night.
As an adult it's still a favorite of mine; this time looking through different glass.
I could still just sit on the wall for ages; watching.
Take a spin and see our city from a different view and give Cabot Tower a little look see; it's packed full of fascinating history!!

Monday, July 8, 2013


An afternoon filled with belly laughs, hilarious facial expressions and bum wiggle dances.
This boy can melt a heart with a simple smile and make grown ups get down and act like a silly two year old.
Meet Nate.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Childhood . .

I remember how fun these were when I was little.  How it was ever so tempting to pluck them up and blow them clear apart.  Watch them carry in the wind and repeat.  
Little did I realize it would cause the pesky weeds to quadruple in population; then again, the temptation hasn't left me yet!

I apologize ahead of time to all of you that have to spend more time on your lawn to the childhood in side of some of us!


Man in the . . Sun?

You would think this is the moon; nope!  It's the sun we awoke to after the 'Super Moon'.  Through a very thick haze this beautiful, albeit a little strange, orange ball was rising to greet us.  Cool huh?!

Man in the moon . . .

I've always had an interest in astronomy; it's beautiful, peaceful and just a little fascinating.  Sadly I fell asleep waiting for the 'Super Moon', but did manage to grab this snap shot.  Tell me it isn't beautiful . .

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Our Prima Ballerina

The only person whom I willing sit in a dark, unventilated space (melting as the minutes tick by) every year for approximately 3 hours; just to see her for 3-4 minutes.  

It was worth every cough drop eaten, every bead of sweat shed and the aches caused by not moving in such a small space - I'll be there yet again next year; armed with tissues, halls and flowers (camera in hand too of course) as we all let our peacock feather show for the little princess who has grown into such a wonderful young girl and an awesome little dancer!




Friday, July 5, 2013

Fort Amherst

Fort Amherst; a local and national treasure, albeit in shambles, it is quite beautiful.  I was born just minutes from here and until very recently, have never went out quite to end to discover what was hidden 'around the bend'.  

Do yourselves a favor and take a little detour; you won't be disappointed!!

Bucket List - Summer 2013 Edition

I always found it quite strange that I was more acquainted with other cities, than the one I was not only born in, but have lived my entire life.  This summer, one of my 'bucket list' items is to remedy that.  To discover the beauty of 'home' the same way I have done for other cities I have visited.

Follow me on Facebook ( 'Like' Tonya Roberts Photographer) for notices of updates to the blog, to see our beautiful city as I do and to see it as you never have before!

Honey; I'm home!!

Welcome to my new home.  
A place I can upload images that allow you to see them with the quality in which they were taken.
A place you can see what I'm working on and the wonderful people I get the privilege of meeting along the way.

Please feel free to leave comments (I actually encourage it!), I love hearing feedback! :)